How does Hawking radiation evaporate a black hole?
Black holes are the densest objects in the universe. In 1974 Stephen Hawking showed that black holes also do not live forever, they emit radiation and eventually evaporate. Here how he said it happens.
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Black holes are the densest objects in the universe, with so much mass in one place that they distort space so much that not even light can escape its signal. However, in 1974 Stephen Hawking showed that a series of quantum processes combined with the background space-time surrounding the black hole causes it to evaporate. As a result, the processes underlying black hole evaporation and Hawking radiation are so poorly understood that even Hawking incorrectly described them.
It is truly amazing how rapidly our understanding of the universe has advanced in the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, we were just beginning to discover the quantum nature of reality, had not yet surpassed the limits of Newtonian gravity, and had no knowledge of the existence of astrophysical objects like black holes. By the advent of the 1970s, the universe was quantum in nature and began with a hot big bang filled with galaxies, stars and star debris, described with great accuracy by what is today known as the standard in general. We proceeded to the universe governed by the theory of relativity. model.
And in 1974, Stephen Hawking published a revolutionary paper that taught that black holes do not live forever, but evaporate through an essentially quantum and relativistic process called Hawking radiation. gave me But how does this happen? Ralph Welz is curious and asks:
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"I thought I got it. At the edge of the event horizon, an [electron-positron] [pair] is created for a short time via the uncertainty principle. The electron just escapes, the positron sucks. ...and voila, the electron clump has disappeared from the black hole.But isn't the black hole now bloated by another positron mass? Where's my misunderstanding?
It's hard to blame you for this misunderstanding. After all, if you read Hawking's famous book, A Brief History of Time, that's how he explains it. So what is the actual truth?
the tech leap
The black hole does not collapse because the incident virtual particles carry negative energy. This is yet another of his fantasies that Dr. Hawking came up with to "save" his own inadequate analogy. Instead, the energy emitted by this Hawking radiation slowly reduces the curvature of space in that region, causing the black hole to collapse and lose mass over time. When enough time has passed and this period spans about 1068 to 10103 years for black holes of realistic mass, they evaporate completely.
There is no doubt that just outside the event horizon of a black hole, space-time bends considerably. It is also true that quantum uncertainty is an integral part of the existence of our universe. But Hawking radiation is not the emission of particles or antiparticles from the event horizon. Not an inward paired element that carries negative energy. And it shouldn't be limited to black holes. Hawking himself knew all this, and yet he chose the explanation of his choice. And now we have to accept the consequences of that choice. Yet in the end the physical truth always wins. Now we have a more complete and true story about where the radiation that evaporates black holes comes from.
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